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陈式老架的特点 太极拳英语教学

2024-4-1 11:43| 发布者: admin| 查看: 3807| 评论: 0

摘要: 一、大脑支配下的意气运动 大脑支配下的意气运动,说明气是受意的指挥。此处所谓的 气,是一种内气,不是人肺部呼吸的气。这种内气,中医理论认 为是从母胎中秉承而来的,叫做元气、正气、先天气等。武术家 把这种气 ...
 一、大脑支配下的意气运动 大脑支配下的意气运动,说明气是受意的指挥。此处所谓的 气,是一种内气,不是人肺部呼吸的气。这种内气,中医理论认 为是从母胎中秉承而来的,叫做元气、正气、先天气等。武术家 把这种气叫做中气、内气、内劲等。陈氏称此气谓中气,是人所 秉受于天,本来之元气。陈鑫的《中气辩》与《中气与浩然之气 血气辨》两篇已讲得很明白。意是意识,是属于精神现象,亦谓 之意念,古人谓之心,是脑的代称。因此用意即是用心,以意行 气,即是以心行气。所以拳谱说: “以心行气,以气运身。”

l.Features of Ghen Style Taiji Quan 1. The Movement of Yi and Qi Are Controlled by the Brain. The movement of Yi and Qi are controlled by the brain, which means Qi is controlled by the mind. Here, Qi refers to Nei Qi (Internal Qi) and not the air breathed by the lungs. According to traditional Chinesemedical science theory, Nei Qi already exists while the individual is still in hismother' s womb, so it is also called Yuan Qi, Zheng Qi, Xian Tian (from birth) Qi, etc. In martial arts, it is named as Zhong Qi, Nei Qi, Nei Jin (Internal Energy). In Chen Style Taiji Quan, it is named as Zhong Qi that came from the womb and it is the first energy of a human being. Yi is the mind, belonging to the 'spirit' phenomenon; it was called Xin (heart) in ancient times, but it is actually the brain. Therefore, using Yi means using Xin. Qi is moved by Yi, which means Qi moved by Xin. That is why the specification of Taiji says that "Xin drives Qi and Qi drives the body".

我们知道了意和气的意义,那么打拳时的每一动作,须先要 经过大脑的想象,这就是用意,练习日久,自然觉得有气。太极 拳的一动一静,促使人体生物电位升降。电位升高,则血液循环 加速,血压降低,氧与血红蛋白也就迅速离解,人就会感觉到有 气。这就是所谓内气的发生。这个气是听意的指挥,所以说,练 太极拳是用意行气。至于呼吸之气,要任其自然,不可故意做 作。呼吸要配合动作的开合,开则用呼,合则用吸,并使呼吸之 气由丹田出入。 陈氏太极拳用腹部呼吸,动作的缓急与呼吸配合,有丹田内 转的作用,不是单纯的气沉丹田。太极拳的一举一动用意不用 力,先意动,而后形动,这样才能做到意到气到,气到劲到,动 作沉着,久练之后,气才能收敛入骨,达到深奥的境界。

Chen Style Taiji Quan uses the abdomen to breathe. The quickness or slowness of the movements are coordinated with the breathing. Qi turns in the Dan Tian instead of simply sinking. All the movements use Yi, not the force Li. Move Yi first, then the body. When Yi arrives, Qi amves, and Jin (Internal power) ar- rives, and the movements are steady and powerful. After years of exercise, Qi will be absorbed by the bones and one' s skills will reach a high level.

奎于所说的气到劲到的劲,是经过锻炼太极拳后获得的,所 以只要意到气就到,气到劲也到。因此太极拳是一种“以心行 气,以气运身”和“用意不用拙力”的意气运动。拳论讲: “心 如将军,气如兵,将军一出令,则士卒皆听命”。心是发令的, 气是奉令而行的,气再运动身肢,所以叫做: “以心行气,以气 运身”。

As to Jin (internal power), which is mentioned above, it comes from practicing Taiji. Taiji Quan uses Yi to lead Qi, Qi to lead the body, but not rigid force. The specification of the Quan says that¨Xin is a general; Qi is a soldier. Once the general commands, the soldier must fol- low”.

二、身肢放长的弹性运动 弹性运动提出了将身肢放长的方法。方法是: (1)虚领顶 劲和气沉丹田; (2)含胸拔背(忌弓背); (3)沉肩坠肘; (4)开胯屈膝的旋转。这四个方法是使身躯、脊背、手臂、腿部 的放长。肌肉在受力时,可以有一定程度的伸长,但当引起伸长 的外因消除后,肌肉就立刻恢复原状,这是肌肉本身固有的一种 弹性,太极拳就是锻炼这种肌肉的弹性,经久放松与收缩的锻 炼,也就能自然地加强身肢各部分的弹性,同时也提高了身体的 素质;对于生理健身说可以使血管畅通,增强新陈代谢和气体的 交换,能得到更多的氧气,降低血压,防止血管硬化;对于技击 方面,由于曰久锻炼这种肌肉弹性,可以产生一种拥劲。

2. Elastic Movement to Expand the Body Elastic movement helps expand the body. That is: A) Draw the head up naturally; sink Qi (energy) to the lower abdomen. B) Draw the chest in and stretch the back (Do not bow the back).C) Relax the shoulders and sink the elbows. D) Push the hips outward; bend and rotate the knees. These are four ways to expand the body, the back, the arms and legs. When a muscle bears force, it can be expanded; when the force is removed, the muscle returns to its original state, which is the muscle' s natu- ral elasticity. Taiji Quan aims to improve the muscle' s elasticity. Through the long time exercise of relaxing and contracting, the e一 lasticity of the body will be strengthened naturally; at the same time, the health will be improved. For health, elastic movement strengthens the blood vessels and increases their ability to absorb more oxygen, decreases blood pressure, and Avoids angiosclerosis. As to the skills of offense and defense, Peng Jin can be achieved by repeated training of the muscle elasticity.

掤劲是太极拳劲的基础,无论是捋、挤、按、採、捌、肘、 靠都要有掤劲(推手的拥是对方按我,我以手臂捧住,不使下 落,有向上之意的掤)。也可以说周身都要有这种拥劲,才能够 做到当外力来时可以抵御和反击,所以太极拳有“拥劲永不丢” 之语,在陈鑫著作中说: “沿路缠绵,静运无慌,肌肤骨节,虚 虚开张。”这就是说运动时要心静不乱,动作要轻灵细腻,肌肉、 皮肤和骨节处处都要放长松开。

Peng Jin (pushing power) is the foundation of Taiji Quan. No matter if it's Lu, Ji, An, Cai, Lie, Zhou, Kao, they all need Peng Jin ('Peng' in Pushing Hands, for example, means that if the opponent presses your arm, you use your arm to pre- vent his arm from dropping, which is Peng with the intention to push upward). We can also say that our whole body needs this kind of Peng Jin, in order to resist an incoming force and strike back. The Taiji theory says: "Never lose Peng Jin" and also Mr. Xin Chen said in his book: ¨move calmly without hurry; skin and joints open gradually." which means that during the move- ment, you should be calm without rushing. The movement re- quires being light and smooth and the muscle, skin, and joints to be relaxed and expanded.

三、顺逆缠丝的螺旋运动 螺旋运动中缠丝劲的实质不是平面的一个圈,而是立体的螺 旋上升的。因为每一动作是由掌心内外翻转,表现在上肢是旋腕 转膀,表现在下肢是旋踝转腿,表现在身躯是旋腰转脊。三者结 合起来形成一条其根在脚,主宰于腰而形于手指的空间旋转曲 线。

3. Spiral Movement-Twist Inward and Twist Outward Twisting Jin (twisting power) is a spiral movement which is not moving in a circle on a plane, but a 3-dimension spiral. That is, each movement starts from the turning of the palms in- ward and outward, twisting the upper limbs (wrists and the shoulders), twisting the lower limbs (legs and ankles), and twist-ing the body (the waist and the spine). All of above movements form a curved line rooted in the feet, controlled by the waist, and shown at the fingers.

缠丝劲的作用是可以将外来的压力因旋转而落空,在太极拳 的术语中叫做化;同时还可以牵动对方的重心而乘势反击,术语 叫做发。

The function of Twisting Jin is to frustrate or to negate an incoming force (external pressure) through rotation. In Taiji Quan, this called Hua (transformation). At the same time, Twist- ing Jin can also cause an opponent to lose balance and take a chance to strikee him. This term is called Fa (issuing).

在生理健身方面,这种螺旋形的缠丝劲能促使全身节节贯串 地推动,对内脏器官能起一种按摩的作用,使显于外的神气发生 鼓荡,因而可以健强大脑皮层,增强全身一切组织器官的功能: 缠丝劲的种类可分为基本的顺逆缠丝和方位的进退、大小、里 外、上下、左右等五对缠丝。顺逆缠丝劲表现于上肢手臂者,是 顺缠手心转向自己面部,逆缠手背转向自己面部。表现于下肢腿 部者,是顺缠膝部由内转向外,逆缠膝由外转向内。

In the physical fitness (health) aspect, Twisting Jin causes every part of the body to move, benefits the internal organs, ancl strengthens all tissues and organs. The Twisting Jin can be mainlv divided int0 6Twist Outward' and 'Twist Inward'. There are five pairs of twisting: advance and retreat, big and small, inside and outside, up and down, and left and right. For upper limb twist- ing, ‘Twist Outward' to turn the palm to face the body; ‘Twist Inward' to turn the back of the palm to face the body, For the lower limb twisting,'Twist Outward' to turn the knees outward;'Twist Inward' to turn the knees inward.

这个分类是依据陈鑫的著作《太极拳缠丝精论》而来的。陈 鑫先生对每个拳势关于缠丝劲运行的线路和经过的经络穴道,都 讲的很清楚。缠丝劲的左右和上下的方位缠丝合成一个整圈,同 时结合里外,使平面圈变成一个立体圈,这正是缠丝劲的螺旋运 动的特色。其次,为了在练拳时有左右逢源、连随于人、节节贯 串和周身一家起见,又有大小、进退两对方位缠丝的配合,以满 足健身和技击上的需要。

In Mr. Xin Chen' s book "The Refined Theory on Taiji Quan Twisting", he has explained the detail of the Twisting Jin. The left and right of the Twisting Jin compose a circle, together with the inside and outside of the Twisting Jin, turning the pla- nar circle into a three-dimensional circle. This is the main fea- ture of the Twisting Jin' s spiral movement. Moreover, in order to be able to achieve success one way or another during the exercises, connect and comply with? the others, and make the body into one, and the big and small, the advance and retreat of the Twisting Jin will be matched to fit the requirements of physi- cal fitness and of fighting.

四、立身中正,上下相随的虚实运动 虚实运动,在这个特点的标题中提出的两个前题是立身中正 和上下相随。说明太极拳的所有动作都必须分清虚实。动作能分 清虚实地转换,就可耐久不疲,是一种最经济的动力活动。

4. Solid and Empty Movements with Body Upright and Entire Body Integrated All the movements of Taiji Quan must distinguish solidity and emptmess. The exchange between solidity and emptiness makes you durable and not weary. These are the most economical dy- namic movements.

因此练太极拳时双手要有虚实,双足也要有虚实,尤其重要 的是左手和左足,右手和右足要上下相随地分清虚实,也就是 说,左手实则左足应虚,右手虚则右足应实。这就是上下相随, 同时起调节内劲、保持中正的作用。

Both hands and feet in Taiji Quan must have solidity and emptiness. It is especially important that the left hand and lefc foot cooperate with the right hand and the right foot. It means that if the left hand is solid, the left foot should be empty; if the right hand is empty, the right foot should be solid. This is called 'integrating the entire body', which adjusts internal energy and keeps the body upright at the same time.

初学时划分虚实的比例最费工夫,可以大虚大实,此后逐步 练成小虚小实,最后达到内有虚实而外面不见有虚实的境界,这 是虚实的最深功夫。 陈氏太极拳对于虚实一事,极为重视,拳论说: “开合虚 实,即为拳经。”要以意念的虚实为虚实,还要讲究实中有虚, 虚中有实。

For beginners, it may take more time to divide the ratio of emptiness and solidity. You may start from the big emptiness and solidity, gradually getting smaller and smaller until you reach the highest level of invisible emptiness and solidness. Chen Taiji Quan pays more attention to the emptiness and solidity. The Quan theory says that "Opening and closing with emptiness and solidity is all about the Quan." Use mind to lead emptiness and solidity and make the solidity reside in the empti- ness and vice versa.

腿部因为要支撑全身的重量,比较上部手的虚实要显露于 外。虚非全然无力,实非全然站煞,总要使步法的变换灵活迅 速。 而且不但手与足要分虚实,全身各部都要分虚实。大概说起 来,胸部关联着上肢的虚实,腰部关联着下肢的虚实,各部分的 虚实,相互呼应且有相吸相系之意。 太极拳的动作圆圈,在转圈过程中,虚实在变换。半圈为 虚,半圈为实,虚实合成一圈,这就是阴阳变化的道理。

Because legs support the weight of the body, itis easier to see the emptiness and solidity. The empty is not 'no force at all’,and the solid is not‘all the force’.No matter what, step easily and quickly. It is not only the hands and feet that need emptiness and solidity; all other parts of the body need them as well. Generally speaking, the chest is related to the emptiness and solidity of the upper limbs. The waist is related to the emptiness and solidity of the lower limbs; all the emptiness and soliditv are connected. In the circles of the movements of Taiji Quan, half of the circle is empty and half is solid. The empty and solid form a circle. This is the truth of the exchange of Yin and Yang.

五、以腰为轴,内外相合的节节贯串运动 拳谱讲: “腰脊为第一主宰,一动无有不动”,说明为了要 达到所谓一动全动的目的,必须以腰脊为中心,所以要以腰脊带 头。因为腰与脊是居人身的中部,天然具有中轴的功能,如果能 够配合螺旋运动的缠丝劲,就可以达到节节贯串的要求,从而发 挥离心力与向心力的作用。做到节节贯串以后,就可以达到周身 ~家的功夫。练成这种功夫,只要腰脊微微一动,就能使全身内 外各部配合着动起来,做到内外相合。

5. Use the Waist to Lead the Entire Body; Unify the Internal and External, The specification of Taiji savs that“The waist and spine are the masters of the movements. As they move, all other parts of the body move". This means that the waist and spine are the centre and axis of the movements. Because the waist and spine are in the centre of the body, they naturally have the function of a central axis. With the spiral movement of Twisting Jin, they can exercise the joints of the whole body successively. Then you can reach the level which integrates the internal and external to act as one.

这种贯串各关节的运动,可以增强关节功能,阻止关节退 化,因此太极拳有健身防老的功效。节节贯串运动出来的劲,也 是要运用缠丝劲,所以是形成一种关节与肌肉贯串起来的“贯串 劲”,这就是节节贯串的实质。节节贯串运动的掌握是在运动时, 必须由腰脊作发动机,以腰脊为中心,这样才可以练好节节贯串 的功夫。

The successlve movement of each part can enhance and strengthen the joints, preventlng joint degeneration. Therefore, Taiji Quan benefits health and anti-aging.‘rwisting Jin is pro- duced from each part of the body and permeated through the joints and muscles. The key point of moving successively is to use the waist and spine like an engine.

陈鑫著作中对于贯串一事说得很多,大都重于内部的气与显 于外的神,他说: “拳之一道,进退不已,神气贯串,绝不间 断。”“初学用功,先求伏应,来脉转关,一气相生。”“学太极 拳着着当细心揣摩,一着不揣摩,则此势机致情理,终于茫昧, 即承上启下处尤当留心,此处不留心,则来脉不真,转关亦不灵 动,一着自成一着,不能自始至终,一气贯通矣。不能一气贯 通,则与太和元气终难问津。”陈鑫所说的神气贯串,一气相生, 一气贯通等,也就是要求节节贯串,进而招招贯串,要达到贯串 一气,对于所谓拳势之起、承、转、合,必须明白且研究清楚。

Mr. Xin Chen' s book talks about moving successively and the internal energy and the external spirit. He said: "One of the major features of the Quan is to advance and retreat without breaking; spirit and Qi work together" ,"For beginners, first learn when to respond, when to conceal, and then learn to han- dle the coming strike and take a chance to strike back. Lastly, defend and strike in one move without thinking.’’‘‘To learn Taiji Quan, you need to think of each movement, otherwise, one will not get the reason and become confused. Pay attention to the connection of each movement. If you do not know the coming strike, you can not strike back efficiently. If the movements can not be unified from the beginning to the end, the truth of the o一 riginal harmony of Qi will never be reached." Mr. Xin Chen meant that each part of the body must work together, and then the movements will work together. In order to achieve that, you have to understand the starting, connecting, turning and closing of the movements.

六、相连不断,滔滔不绝地一气呵成运动 一气呵成运动,是节节贯串的进一步,也就是做到招招贯 串,使在练全趟架子时,能够相连不断,滔滔不绝的一气呵成。 这个一气呵成招招于内劲的不断,也是可以使运动量增大的方 法。 其具体方法是:在手法上遇到往复时,要嵌进折迭;在步法 上遇到进退时,要嵌以转换;在开合、收放时,要有收即是放和 放即是收的意和劲。

6. Move Smoothly without Breaking To move smoothly is afurther step to move the body as one, for to hold internal power without breaking will increase the strength of the exercise. In detail, when the hands move forward or backward, put a little pause in the movement; when the feet move forward or backward, put a little turn in the movement, when opening or closing, collecting or releasing, keep "collecting is releasing; re- leasing is collecting" in mind.

这些也是要在缠丝劲的运转中来实现的。如果在发劲之后, 出现了断劲的现象,就要将这种发劲的余意接续下去。万一意与 动作也脱了节,形成意外驰,动作无主,变成内外不一时,这是 意也断了,那就要运用意和劲的余神来接续下去。

These can be achieved with Twisting Jin. If Jin is broken when issuing it to strike, then hold the mind on it and continue the Jin. If the mind also breaks (when you lose the control of the movements, the internal and external are not cooperated), hold the Yi and Jin again to continue.

为了做到这点,劲要有折迭转换,动作要用意不用力,使演 练拳架的身法如同长江水流的滔滔不绝,中间毫无御劲的地方, 亦无意驰的时候,这样就可自然地达到一气呵成的要求。太极拳 《正功解》上说: “太极者圆也,无论上下左右,不离此圆也。 太极者方也,不离此方也。圆之出入,方之进退,随圆就方之往 来。方为开展,圆为紧凑,方圆规矩之至,孰能除此以外哉。” 这是方圆相生之理由来。

In order to do so, Jin needs to have a】ittle pause or a little turning; the movement needs to use Yi, not the force. The move- ments are as if water flowing without breaking Jin and Yi. The book of Taiji Quan Zheng Gong Jie says: 'Taiji is a circle, whether moving up or down, left or right, and Taiji is a box that you must never leave; the circle has7’inside and outside", and the square has "forward and backward". The square is for ex- panding; the circle is for compacting. It is a rule of the square and the circle". This is where the square and the circle come from.

在初学时一切动作要求圆,等到功夫相当纯熟之后,在运劲 到达终点时,就要在圆中体现出方来,那就可以表现出各种劲 道,亦即是发劲。

At the beginning, in every movement, Jin goes in a circle. When your kung fu is developed, and Jin reaches the top, it will show squares in the circle, that means you can show Jin dif- ferently and are ready to issue it.

如果能够练到由大圈收至小圈,由小圈练到没圈,只运用肌 肉皮肤的涨缩和骨的微转,变换角度来实施拿放,制敌于不知不 觉之中,到了这种地步,那就可以不必顾虑有断劲发生,这是表 示已经达到方圆相生的高度境界,而且在练拳时的神气一定随着 动作而动荡,能够神气动荡,也就表明内在的意识没有离开动作 而外驰,也就是一气呵成了。

If you reach the level that movements go from a big circle to a little circle, from a little circle to no circle, and only use swelling and shrinking of the skin, or a little turning of the bone, or changing an angle to defeat the enemy without a notice, you need not to worry about Jin being broken. This means that you have reached a very high level of exchange of squares and circles. The spirit and Qi follow the movement, which means that the mind is always with the movement. That is" Move Smoothly without Breaking."

七、从柔到刚,从刚到柔的刚柔相济运动 拳论说:“胸中一团太和元气。充周四体,至柔至刚,实备 干健坤顺之德。当其静也,阴阳所存,无迹可寻,及其动也,看 似至柔,其实至刚,看似至刚,其实至柔,刚柔皆具,是谓阴阳 合德。”

7.From Hardness to Softness, From Softness to Hard- ness, then Combining Hardness and Softness The theory of the Quan says: “Qi is in the chest and is sufficient for the entire body, extremely soft and extremely hard, benefits to the health and the characters. When Qi is still, Yin and Yang are invisible; when Qi moves, it appears extremely soft but is extremely hard or it appears extremely hard but is extreme- ly soft. Combining the softness and hardness is the conforming of Yin and Yang.

在初学拳期间,因为人身原来有一股僵硬劲,要力求柔软来 化去这原有的僵硬劲,所以在这时间练拳要越柔软越好,这段时 间愈长愈好,一般要一、二年的时间,这段时间称之谓求软催僵 时期。

At the beginning, because the original rigid Jin exists in your body, you must remove it by trying to be soft. Therefore, try to be softer and practice longer. Normally, it takes one or two years to remove rigidity with softness.

在毫不用力的原则下慢慢地动作,这时愈柔软愈能催去原有 的僵硬劲。要练到一点僵硬也没有,动作起来能节节柔软地贯串 起来,那就做到所谓有心求柔,无意成刚的全身松开,是一种有 意识的松,不是一种像一堆烂泥的松,同时也不是有丝毫努力鼓 劲。由松开的放长来使身肢产生一种富有弹性的搠劲。

Use no force and move slowly. The softer, the more quickly the original rigidity is removed. Eventually no rigidity will remain. When the movements are connected by softness, the heart is soft, and the whole body is relaxed. However, this softness is only in the mind, unlike mud and not without effort. This will result in the production of elastic Peng Jin from the expanding body.

练拳练到极柔软以后,再用功练习,使这种具有弹簧劲的掤 劲加强弹性,就成了太极拳的刚。这种刚是经千锤百炼出来的富 有弹性韧性的刚,这种刚也是要从缠丝劲的绞来绞去中练出来 的。 有了由柔练出来的刚,就可以达到忽柔忽刚,亦柔亦刚的境 界,这个时期称之谓练柔成刚时期。达到了可刚可柔,忽刚忽 柔,亦刚亦柔的程度,更进而配合着拳势的开合变换刚柔。

When one has the softness, practice even more to increase the elastic Peng Jin, and it will turn into true hardness. When one has the hardness that comes from softness, one has the ability to be suddenly soft or suddenly hard or to com- bine both. This period is called ¨From Softness to Hardness". Coordinating with the Quan' s opening and closing, exchange the softness and hardness.

原则上是在神气上隐的时候是柔,显的时候是刚;在拳势上 是通过开与合,在运劲过程中表现为柔,在运劲到达落点时,则 表现为刚。因有神气的隐显与劲势开合的配合,刚柔就得以充分 地表现出来。

In principle, when the spirit is hiding, the movement is soft; when the spirit is not hiding, the movement is hard. In the movements' opening or closing, when preparing to strike, it is soft; when striking, it is hard. The hiding or showing of the spirit, and the opening or closing of the movements are adequate examples of hardness and softness.

落点是运劲到达尽头之点,乃是神显气聚之处,所以此时此 处运用刚法,可谓恰到好处。除此以外,在一切开合转换过程 中,因为都是神气鼓荡和圆活转换变化的过程,此时均宜用柔 法。

Striking is the endpoint of Jin and also shows the spirit and Qi, so it is perfect to use hardness. Switching between opening and closing gathers the spirit and Qi, so it is better to use soft- ness. 概括起来说,每个拳势动作都有开合,每个开合过程中都有 运劲的落点,落点要用刚劲,其他都用柔劲,这样就会达到刚柔 相济。陈鑫: “运动似柔而实刚,精神内藏而不露,此为上乘。”

In a word, each movement has its opening and closing, and each process of opening and closing has a strike point. Only the strike point uses hardness and rest of the movement uses softness. Thus, the movements combine softness and hardness. Mr. Xin Chen said: ”It looks soft, but it is really hard; the spirit is hiding and invisible. These are the top skills of kung fu.”

八、从慢到快,从快到慢的快慢相间运动 拳论: “慢要慢到别人跟不上我,快也要快到别人跟不上 我。”又说: “此拳之运,不贵速而贵缓,缓则可以细心揣摩, 由粗及精,且其运劲可以自知运到指头与否。能如此运,将来功 夫成时,其速无比。”

8. From Slow to Quick, From Quick to Slow, Alternating Between Quick and Slow The Quan theory says: “Be slow so that no one can follow; be quick so that no one can keep up", "Quan prefers slow to quick because slowness give you time to think, to refine the skills, and lets you know if Jin is reaching your fingers, which can make your speed matchless in the future."

快慢的涵义有二:一指练一趟架子所需要的时间长短,二指 每一个拳势中的运动速度快慢。在转关处慢,过了转关后逐渐加 快,运到落点时最快,发后复转慢。

The Slow and Quick have two meanings. One is the time it takes to perform a routine; the other is the speed of each move- ment. It should be the slowest while switching to the next move- ment, and gradually become quicker. It should be the quickest during strikes and gradually become slow again.

第一个含义是练拳快慢的发展程序。在初学阶段,万不可 快,慢可以揣摩姿势的正确性。不过慢也不是慢无限止,不能慢 得痴呆,必须在神气鼓荡和意气灵换的条件下求慢。 这个求慢的练习时间,大概要经过一二年。以后随着熟练程 度的加深,渐渐加快速度,也就是缩短练一趟架子所需要的时 间,同时也是锻炼劲的时间。但快不可发生浮飘与错乱。

For the first meaning of the Slow and Quick, do not be quick from the beginning, for slowness gives you the time to cor- rect your posture. However, this doesn' t mean unlimited slow- ness, or slow to the point of stiffness. It should be just slow e— nough to exchange the movements of spirit and Qi. It takes about one to two years to exercise the slowness. Then, increase the speed gradually and decrease the time to fin- ish a routine. However, to be fast does not mean to gesture emp- tily or disorderly. At the same time, it is also the time to im- prove Jin.






